Disaster Relief

Each disaster is unique and requires different resources to meet the needs of those impacted. Our goal is to respond to emergency situations by collaborating with Christian artists, concerts, events and partners around the world who are able to quickly and efficiently respond in times of crisis.

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Altrua HealthShare

Awakening Foundation partners with Altrua HealthShare at concerts and events to help make a difference in the local communities where the events are taking place. Local needs are assessed and a portion of show proceeds are provided to local organizations to help address needs like food insecurity, disaster relief and more.

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ChildFund International

Awakening Foundation partners with Christian artists, concerts and events to help ChildFund International work toward a world where every child is free to live at their fullest potential, no matter where they’re from or what challenges they face.

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Food for the Hungry

Awakening Foundation partners with Christian artists, concerts and events to help Food for the Hungry provide life-changing resources (clean water, medical aid, food, etc.), vocational training and empowerment to girls and boys in the midst of unimaginable hardships.

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The Gateway School

The Awakening Foundation has partnered with The Gateway School to help provide the resources needed to educate and house some of the children that live in the poorest villages outside of Rahjamundry, India.

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Ignite Liberia

Ignite Liberia, formed just as the nation was recovering from civil war, was inspired and birthed from a youth movement in Cardiff, Wales, UK

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Additional Partners

The Awakening Foundation partners with various organizations around the world that empower and serve others. These are a few additional partners.

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